
Showing posts from 2012

Art Auction - Charity Event for Haya

Today 1pm Space 4 Art

Shiny Sim

Re-Opening of Space 4 Art

ChapTer Kronfeld in the MBK Gallery

Asmita invites Plato to the Festival of Love 2012

Space 4 Art

The Red Umbrella

Asmita Duranjaya

Haveit Neox and Lilia Artis

The Mandala Contest on the Space 4 Art Sim

Threesomes by Winter Nightfire

New Art Contest at Space 4 Art

The Gathering of Sky-Women

Sledge Roffo: My Last Solo Exhibit

Space 4 Art

Sim and Gallery Opening of Space 4 Art 20th of May 2012

Game On - Asmita Duranjaya at PiRats in Second Life

New Art Contest "Virtual Minimalism" announced and curated by Asmita Duranjaya

reflected rorschach

Heart on Holiday

New Sim Dedicated to the Arts planned by Asmita Duranjaya

New Art Sim in Second Life

Merlina Rokocoko - HOPE in the MBK Gallery

MBK BookCorner and TinyGallery restructured

PiRats in Danger to be Closed

Asmita at PiRats again

UWA SKY SIM SERIES (JAN): Between Orient & Occident (Asmita, ChapTer, Louly)


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Article on Asmita Duranjaya (p.111ff)