UWA SKY SIM SERIES (JAN): Between Orient & Occident (Asmita, ChapTer, Louly)
Happy about all the attention we got in blogs and verbally inworld, we decided to celebrate a 2nd party event around our uwa-sky exhibition on Sunday 22nd at 1pm SLT in the entrance area. Also our team member Louly Loon can join this time and we will present some follow-ups on our show, especially 3 documentary movies on the 3 installations and a mixed program with music and dance with Asmita, reinhold, Miriam and Uri as well as readings with ChapTer and Louly. The exact program will be published in the art groups in SL asap.
Thanks for all the Web- and blog-comments and entrances on the exhibition up to now:
1. http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/2011/12/uwa-sky-sim-series-jan-between-orient.html2. http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/2012/01/victoria-lenoirres-look-at-uwa-sky-sim.html
3. http://slartsparks.blogspot.com/
4. http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2012/01/art-uwa-sky-sim-series-sky-level.html
5. http://quanlavender.blogspot.com/2012/01/sneak-preview-between-orient-and.html
6. http://eventslrl.blogspot.com/2011/12/januar-uwa-projekt.html
7. http://echtvirtuell.blogspot.com/2012/01/lea-full-sim-art-serie-fur-januar.html
8. http://juanitadeharo.blogspot.com/2012/01/asmita-duranjaya-at-uwa.html