
Showing posts from 2011

Between Orient and Occident

ArtFest 2011

Winners Announcement MBK ArtContest CloseToNature

VIP - VirtualInstrumentPlayers


Neo Graphia - Ally Aeon

The Heart of the Planet - Nish Mip

A Newcomer Under Water

ZEXPO 2011

Reflections on Change - Dacob Paine in the MBK Gallery

Invitation to a Journey


Notes on the MiniArtContest URBAN

Opening on Sunday 24th

ulme-mini-verlag with a new category

New MiniArtContest "URBAN"

Asmita's "Thicket" at PiRats

Silene Christen - The Traveller

Milly Sharple - Meanderings

The Big Blue

Interesting New Art Contest at Haveli

And again: Meisterbastler with new Exhibitions plus Reading

Migina Miklos with "Piece of Life" in the Starbase Gallery

SHRINES at PiRats Art Network

Two New Art Shows on Sunday 6th of March

oona is going machinima

Art and Charity - a good Example

Really Something Exceptional

Four Times Art - Kinetics, Sculptures, Nude Paintings and Literature

Artist Settles the Moon: Artefact or Habitat?

A Bang at the Beginning of the Year 2011


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Article on Asmita Duranjaya (p.111ff)