Two New Art Shows on Sunday 6th of March

... at 1pm SLT in Sedona Island in two galleries:
1. oona Eiren in Asmita's UnderWaterGallery with the show "Captain Nemo in Pension" - an UnderWaterInstallation. This exhibition shows a stranded, but walkable barge and some of its interior in the typical grunge style of oona Eiren surrounded by the coral reef of the newly rebuilt underwater gallery on Asmita's land. Visitors can try to find the treasure box hidden in the ship.
2. Asmita Duranjaya in the ArtSanctuary with the shows "Going Fractal", animated and unanimated fractal pictures, vases and pots, fractal trees and non-fractal animated sculptures in a garden under the gallery skybox. The hunt for treasures is continued here. Slurls for the galleries:
All art lovers in Second Life are cordially invited to enjoy these installations.


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