
Showing posts from 2010

Variety by Treacle Darlandes

Fairy Sim with Fairy Art

Let's Settle The Moon - A Visionary Art Show by oona Eiren

Other-Worlds-Art at Bookstacks

Steampunk Article in English available

eMotion - Kunstwettbewerb und Ausstellung

Asmita's StillLifes in Chilbo

Self-ArtContest won by Asmita

Art Contest eMotion in the new KBCC

A Retro Subculture in Second Life: SteamPunk

Living in My Computer ... ?


Fascination eBook

The Meisterbastler Gallery is proud to present ...

New Exhibition by Asmita: SummerSanctuary


What a great Show! Was für eine tolle Ausstellung!

New Contest/Neuer Wettbewerb - DiD Galerie Starbase

Successful Art Contest in the Meisterbastler Gallery

Still Lifes between 2D and 3D

Mystical Immersion in der DiD Starbase Galerie


Molina Rhode - Kunst in Gold

Oberon Onmura am 27sten Februar in der DID-Galerie Starbase

Sanctuary by Asmita

Galerie Starbase - Eröffnung mit Oberon Onmura

Fuschia Nightfire - MoonlightTrees

DID-Reisen starten neu ...

Überraschung: UWA Buch- und Kunstpreis für Asmita Duranjaya!


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Article on Asmita Duranjaya (p.111ff)