Galerie Starbase - Eröffnung mit Oberon Onmura
Oberon Onmura, ein eher stiller, zurückhaltender Künstler im lauten SL-Kunstgeschäft, weiht die Eröffnung der neuen "Galerie Starbase" auf dem kürzlich fertiggestellten Sim der DiD würdig ein. Seine Ausstellung "Light Traffic" zeigt einige der Besonderheiten, die Second Life - Kunst ausmacht: Scripte, Lichteffekte und Animationen lassen futuristische Objekte generieren, die so nur in SL möglich sind und ganz neue Formen der Interaktion zwischen Betrachter und Kunstwerk ermöglichen. Der Titel ist mehrdeutig und weist auf die Bedeutung von "light" als "leicht" oder "Licht" hin und auf "Traffic" als "Verkehr" oder "statistische Besucherzahlen" in SL. Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 27sten Februar 2010 um 22:00 Uhr MEZ oder 1pm SLT ist jeder herzlich eingeladen.
Hier noch einige Daten aus der Bio des Künstlers:
Hier noch einige Daten aus der Bio des Künstlers:
"Oberon Onmura has been making art in Second Life for over two years. In that time, his unique approach to using opposing forces on physical objects has attracted the attention of blog sites, SL and RL galleries and publications.
His early work with physical objects, "Grid Floaters," was seen at the "Kiss the Sky" exhibition at the NMC ArtsLab sim, curated by DanCoyote Antonelli. Oberon is a frequent contributor to ( and subject of podcast discussions) the Brooklyn is Watching site (, in association with the Jack the Pelican Presents gallery in Williamsburg.
His "Beacon," a 100-meter tower that constructs and then destroys itself, was selected for inclusion in a national exhibition of virtual and corporeal art - the "@ Exhibition" ( - in association with the Southern California Institute of Architecture and the College Art Association conference in Los Angeles, California (February, 2009).
His recent sim-sized projects, "The Tunguska Event" and "Storm Cells," were seen at the Project Z Gallery on the Cetus sim. He recently collaborated with Juria Yoshikawa and Dancoyote Antonelli for a SL/RL event with a jazz club in London, curated by Arahan Claveau."
His "Beacon," a 100-meter tower that constructs and then destroys itself, was selected for inclusion in a national exhibition of virtual and corporeal art - the "@ Exhibition" ( - in association with the Southern California Institute of Architecture and the College Art Association conference in Los Angeles, California (February, 2009).
His recent sim-sized projects, "The Tunguska Event" and "Storm Cells," were seen at the Project Z Gallery on the Cetus sim. He recently collaborated with Juria Yoshikawa and Dancoyote Antonelli for a SL/RL event with a jazz club in London, curated by Arahan Claveau."