New Art Sim in Second Life

Opposite to the recent tendency in Second Life to close art places, we are bold enough to open a new art venture on our newly founded sim with the name Space 4 Art. Except of our own galleries we offer art space with reasonable conditions to artists of all directions and styles and we invite all to inspect the place and maybe to join our art community to present artwork in a futuristic gallery concept by ChapTer Kronfeld. Please come to have a look at
Space 4 Art has been founded some days back in March 2012. In the gallery on the groupland 50 prims can be used for 150 LL per week. This is compared to recent conditions in Second Life a very reasonable price. The sim and the group are run by 3 artists themselves, Asmita Duranjaya, ChapTer Kronfeld and Migina Miklos. The benefits for group members are:
- Support in questions concerning the presentation of their work;
- regular advertisement in 15 art groups;
- integration in the Art Gallery kiosk system of Sasun Steinbeck and the gallery tour hud;
- regular announcements of specific events on the art blog of Asmita Duranjaya, ChapTer Kronfeld and in the Second Life event calendar:
- additional events like art contests, live performances, art parties...
The art team of the sim Space 4 Art is happy to get the chance to build with its new art sim and gallery an interesting and motivating art community and hopes that the participating artists can take a maximum of success from the community.
Still a lot has to be done on the sim and it will need some time until the opening event can be planned; probably it will take place end of April or in May. The curator of the gallery, Asmita Duranjaya, would like to organise a new art contest, but the topic is still a secret.


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