The Red Umbrella

is a special exhibition by Asmita Duranjaya in the months of October and November, exclusively created for the Meisterbastler Gallery (MBK), where Asmita works as a curator since long time. "I have never shown my work here, but I take the chance, because one artist for the October show has become sick and so I took the chance to show my Red Umbrella pictures here," says the the artist and explains, that those pictures have been created due to the season in Europe. But also the composition of pictures with this extremely red umbrella as one element has been a challenge and Asmita spent hours to find picturesque sims and interesting inworld sceneries. The main actor on the photos is an avi, dressed like a person next door and not styled in a manieristic way, like often in Second Life. It looks purposely 'normal', maybe cartoonish, but aren't all avis at last cartoon-figures? The inworld photos have been afterprocessed with several graphic software and are shown either as flat 2D-pictures or as 3D-installations, enhanced with inworld-objects and techniques. 
The opening for this show will take place at the 7th of October at 1pm and is framed by the lovely music of Djane Miriam.


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