Today 1pm Space 4 Art

Please join us for the winners announcement of the art contest AMBIENCE on Sunday 30th 2012 at 1pm SLT:

The curator has been Asmita Duranjaya; in addition the jury members were Moe Sandalwood, Lilia Artis, ChapTer Kronfeld and Pol Jarvinen as external judge. Thanks to all the financial and mental co-sponsors of this contest.
There has been a public voting period of 4 weeks. The results have been added to the jury-voting and according to that kjs Yip has won the first prize, Louly Loon the second and Winter Nightfire the third. Congratulation for the winners, but also for all other artists, who have participated and enriched the exhibition with their highly qualified artwork. 

Louly Loon's 'La Buveuse'
Generally the voting should be seen as a game and the fact, that somebody does not win, does never mean, that the artwork is bad and not appreciated. To refer to a topic is always a challenge and the jury members and the public voters are humans with a special taste, pre-experience and imagination and try their best to vote in a fair way by the help of the art grader of Gee. Nobody should be disappointed, if he or her does not get one of the first 3 prizes. There will be more occasions to participate in contests and it is always a new chance.
Winter Nightfire's 'Home'

Hopefully all can keep this contest in memory as a positive experience.


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