LEA 25 - A Cooperative SIM - Art - Project
Thanks to an initiative of Secret Rage 17 artists in Second Life got the chance to participate in an interim LEA-project using a full sim for one month to create something expressive. Asmita Duranjaya as one of them got LEA 25 and started a cooperation with German SF-author and ambient composer Michael K. Iwoleit (maikelkay in SL). The outcome of this collaboration will be open for the public from 15th of January and it consists of five immersive visualisations of maikelkay's Ambient Etudes 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The sim basis has been shaped as a blueish foreign planet with a dome structure in the center serving as landing point and stage hall with entrance doors to the five interactive projections of the ambient soundscapes in sky spots.

The 1st one, based on Ambient Etude 5, is a tunnel with 37 sound slices, which enable the visitor to hear and recompose the music piece in his own speed and way. It is like a sound jigsaw.
For the 2nd visualisation the visitor has to switch on the video- (media-) button in his viewer. It shows a machinima with the music of Ambient Etude 1 enhanced with some emotional effects.
"Tides of Sound" invites the visitor to a crystal water cave, where he can float on blossom leaves to enjoy the subtle soundscape of Ambient Etude 6 (best viewed in mouse-look).
Carried away to the Floating Spheres, the visitor can enjoy Ambient Etude 7 feeling agravic in space and time surrounded by planets and cosmic orbs.
The music is provided by a browser-link and the view is best in mouse-look.
Last not least the visitor is abducted to the Alien-Sound-World, where he has to fight against the power of a black hole and some alien organisms, who seem not to react friendly in the first moment of contact. People, who are easily scared, should not visit this place.
The two weeks of presentation are highlighted by two live-events:
On January 18th at 2pm SLT Michael K. Iwoleit will read his story "Planck Time" in English and on January 19th at 1pm a live-concert will take place with a new Ambient Etude of maikelkay surrounded with a live-particle show by Asmita.
See also: http://iwoleit.wordpress.com/ .
Cordial invitation to discover and enjoy LEA 25 in January 2014!

The 1st one, based on Ambient Etude 5, is a tunnel with 37 sound slices, which enable the visitor to hear and recompose the music piece in his own speed and way. It is like a sound jigsaw.
For the 2nd visualisation the visitor has to switch on the video- (media-) button in his viewer. It shows a machinima with the music of Ambient Etude 1 enhanced with some emotional effects.
"Tides of Sound" invites the visitor to a crystal water cave, where he can float on blossom leaves to enjoy the subtle soundscape of Ambient Etude 6 (best viewed in mouse-look).
Carried away to the Floating Spheres, the visitor can enjoy Ambient Etude 7 feeling agravic in space and time surrounded by planets and cosmic orbs.
The music is provided by a browser-link and the view is best in mouse-look.
Last not least the visitor is abducted to the Alien-Sound-World, where he has to fight against the power of a black hole and some alien organisms, who seem not to react friendly in the first moment of contact. People, who are easily scared, should not visit this place.
The two weeks of presentation are highlighted by two live-events:
On January 18th at 2pm SLT Michael K. Iwoleit will read his story "Planck Time" in English and on January 19th at 1pm a live-concert will take place with a new Ambient Etude of maikelkay surrounded with a live-particle show by Asmita.
See also: http://iwoleit.wordpress.com/ .
Cordial invitation to discover and enjoy LEA 25 in January 2014!