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... can be seen in the DID Gallery Starbase in February/March 2011: Tani Thor and Aloiso Congrejo have handpainted a black and white city with all details and used these textures for their new installation "Paint City" in the giant gallery orb. As a contrast the two artists show colourful paintings, photographs and sculptures in the black and white rooms of the houses and on the street. This handmade environment encourages the own phantasy to create something similar, even if it may not have the airiness and elegance of Tani's and Aloisio's drawing technique.
The opening on Saturday, 12th of February, at 1pm SLT is a part of the general sim festival on Saturday. So there will be enough attraction for everybody's taste: From 12am a romantic LiveConcert with the female singer Janice Mills and from 1pm DanceParty with DJane Moonie.