Asmita Duranjaya and ChapTer Kronfeld at Art'e Gallery

The two founders of Space 4 Art share the Art'e Gallery from 17th of Nov to 17th of Dec 2013. ChapTer Kronfeld presents a cross-section of his work in his unique style, making a flat 2D-picture a 3D-work by elevating single sections. ChapTer's style can be described as bizarre, whimsical and uniquely expressive.

Asmita Duranjaya shows a new collection of artistic experiments with forms, which can be parts of what is called a face. The FACES consist mainly of 3D-works showing several techniques like overlapping transparency, using sculpts and normal prims. the textures used are water-color-pictures made by the artist in RL.
Opening is on 17th of Nov at 2pm SLT in the Art'e Gallery.
Thanks for invitation and organisation to curator yvan Slade and owner Indigo Mertel.


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