A Frenchman In New York

... is the title of another awesome photo-exhibition by French writer, blogger and photographer Frantz Catteneo (Francois Roland). It is the first exhibition on the newly found and founded art-sim interstellART: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Borneo%20Atoll/163/163/21 and it shows a brilliant, empathic, sometimes humorous collection of photos taken during the artists's visits to New York in the last years. 

Frantz Catteneo's concept includes to provide every picture with a suitable piece of music, that can be heard by clicking the photo. During the vernissage all the songs will be played by DJane Ginniji on a live-stream. 
The new sim has a futuristic environment and several galleries with changing exhibitions on the sim-basis (Fractopolis) and on level 1000; recent artist-inhabitants are Asmita Duranjaya, Frantz Catteneo, Mason Woller, Merit Coba, Barret Darkfold, lalie Sorbet, Ohe54 and Claude Belgar.

Interested artists can contact Asmita Duranjaya.


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