Space 4 Art
has crashed last Sunday and you can take it for a good or a bad sign, but fact is, that too many avis (80) stressed the capacity of this new sim dedicated to the art(s), which is from now officially open for the public. A four hours program introduced the guests to the variety and richness of artistic options on the sim. It started with the opening of Moe Sandalwoods exhibition "reflected rorschach" in the UnderWaterGallery, accompanied by a Theremin concert by Asmita Duranjaya, the curator and one of the sim based artists beside ChapTer Kronfeld and Migina Miklos. Asmita showed her own new installation after this opening. It is called "Destruction" and is a puzzle at the same time with a solution word, that guides to a task for a new contest.
Next step was to take an artwalk through ChapTer Kronfelds gallery.
One of the highlights of the event was the winners announcement ceremony for the contest "Virtual Minimalism". The first three winners, who got 3000, 2000 and 1000 LL, were Gleman Jun with his work "Creatures", Harter Fall with "Lines and Frames" and Professor Bimbogami with "Pervasive Space":
The jury decided to show the first 16 voting winners for another month on the rooftop of the Space 4 Art Gallery.
Some of the 24 artists of the Space 4 Art Gallery (Masako/Soraya Till, Kayly Iali, Reezy Frequency, Moe Sandalwood, Graine Macbaine, Walt Ireton, Sheba Blitz, Holy13 Writer, Louly Loon, Synapse Joubert, Fae Varriale, CreativeSam India, Edward Vintner, Lilia Artis, Celestine Ghiardie, Moewe Winkler, SandraLee Palianta, BukTom Bloch, Steffy Lavender, Bloo Ansar, kjs Yip, Winter Nightfire and Haveit Neox) have been present for a greet'n'meet action and guided the visitors through the spots with attractive and expressive artwork and photography.
The event continued with a beach party and the fabulous DJane Miriam Evanier, who tried also to accompany the cheerleader group of Steffy Lavender, who increased the lag a bit with its animations, leading to a one hour sim crash.

At the end of the eventful hours a magic firework illuminated the sky over Space 4 Art.
Thanks to all participants and the sponsors Migina and ChapTer for helping to make this event a success.